Medieval Society

The Heriot-Watt Medieval Society is a group for anyone interested in re-creating and re-enacting the life of medieval Scotland.

Our main activities involve recreating medieval combat in an effective, realistic and safe way and crafting all the equipment necessary to portray a medieval persona. We take part in training sessions throughout the academic year that prepare us for the summer show season during which we travel up and down Great Britain to medieval shows in which we re-enact various battles and historic events in collaboration with other groups from across the UK. We have a great inclusive community and hold regular socials as well. If you have ever wanted to take part in some swordplay, learn how to make a lovely medieval dress or just want to try something new and unique our society is definitely for you!

We will announce the sepecific details of our events on discord at:

You can follow all of our goings on over at our instagram:

You can sign up to the society for free and come along to try it out for a session, but after the first we would ask for the membership fee of £10, which covers combat insurance and maintaining society kit accessible to all members.

Committee Members



Social Secretary









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This society has no amendments to the standard society privacy statement