Pool Society

The Pool Society is one that encourages people of all ages and abilities to come and enjoy themselves!

For just a £6 initial payment covering both semesters, you get unlimited frames of pool at the Student Union every Wednesday, access to higher quality pool cues and equipment, and a chance to meet a wide variety of people of all age groups and backgrounds, and if you play just 12 frames of pool, you’ve already made your money’s worth! If you’re a keen, experienced player, or just enjoy hitting a few balls and playing with your friends, we’d love to have you along. We look forward to seeing you at Geordies. Check out our Facebook page and Instagram for updates or if you have any questions! 

Committee Members

League Representative


Social Secretary


Vice President








Please log in to join this organisation.

Your Privacy

You can view our standard society privacy statements here. If this particular society has any amendments to this privacy statement, they will be shown below.


As a member of the society, you have the opportunity to compete in tournaments run by the Universities Pool Council (UPC).

If you choose to compete, we share your information with UPC to register you for their events.

Supporter: Universities Pool Council
Purpose: To register members in UK-wide University sports fixtures and verify University enrolment status
Address: jon.shapland@upc-pool.org.uk 
Data Shared: HW email address, matriculation number

Also as a member of the Pool Society, you have the opportunity to compete in tournaments run by British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS).

If you choose to compete in BUCS events, you will be asked to provide your name, phone number, email address, student ID number, emergency contacts directly to BUCS via the BUCS Play app.

To see how BUCS uses your data, visit https://www.bucs.org.uk/page.asp?section=16206&sectionTitle=Privacy+Policy

Supporter: British Universities and Colleges Sport
Purpose: To register members in UK-wide University sports fixtures
Address: BUCS Office, 20-24 King’s Bench Street, London, SE1 0QX, info@bucs.org.uk
Data Shared: Name, phone number, email address, student ID number, emergency contact name, emergency contact phone number

To see how BUCS uses your data, visit https://www.bucs.org.uk/page.asp?section=16206&sectionTitle=Privacy+Policy

Also if you choose to compete in BUCS events, we share your information with Heriot-Watt University Sports Union BUCS Rep to register you for their events.

Supporter: Heriot-Watt University Sports Union BUCS Rep
Purpose: To register members in UK-wide University sports fixtures and verify University enrolment status
Address: E.Cartmill@hw.ac.uk
Data Shared: HW email address, matriculation number
